You are The One
Your Anchor in Life

Let's prove Tolstoy wrong. You must be the change that you want to see in the world, as Gandhi proposed. So you will agree with Kant when he suggests that the best rules for you to follow are those that you would want everybody else to follow. More
The change you want to see is specified by your
if you must be it, this means
Recall that involves valuing your unique , engaging in your unique life , as well as being fully and maintaining .
If you want to develop and sustain
, to , and to ensure that your supports your and your mould your , then you must create your psychosocial world accordingly.So this ChannelCreate Your World.
is named:Your Psychosocial World & Others'
Everyone has a psychosocial world, but in that regard we are not different from dogs or other social animals. Having a psychosocial world is not the same as creating a psychosocial world. Those who actively create their psychosocial world influence those who more passively possess and use a psychosocial world that their biology &/or culture provides for them.
Creating is a challenge. It requires creating your world is not just any challenge, it is the greatest challenge that life can pose.
and involves . ButUsing your authenticity to create a world in accord with your dreams is the anchor in the framework for . Without being creative, it is impossible for any Centre to be properly activated or for any other Channel to be effectively and appropriately applied.
By actively creating a psychosocial world, you immediately find yourself amongst others with their different psychosocial worlds. They may or may not have put effort into producing . In any case, the sheer variety and differences of these worlds (and sometimes their contents) challenge your ego.
The golden rule» and the categorical imperatives (as developed in that Tree) to value diversity and allow coexistence.
to comes to mind with its associated precepts like the «- So the next step is to confront the unavoidability of co-existence.
Originally posted: 26-Jul-2013